Friday, September 26, 2014


Last Friday, "China's Amazon" finally went public. The E-Commerce giant known as "Alibaba" opened for trading at sixty eight dollars a share, and closed it's first trading day at ninety two dollars and seventy three cents. For those of you that don't know what Alibaba does, Alibaba is an online marketplace, specializing in wholesale industrial equipment. Businesses can buy from other businesses, (and quite large purchases, I must add) right there on Alibaba, without ever seeing a firm representative. Multi-million dollar transactions take place on Alibaba every day.

To put in my two cents about the stock: BUY SHARES NOW! China's construction industry is going to see a boom in the next few years as they modernize around their big cities. Guess where the best place to buy steel and wood in bulk is? Get them while they are only ninety two dollars a piece.

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